Coconut Cakes

Contributed By: Patricia


20 small balls.  These are chewy, toasted, and just sweet enough.  These are
nice to serve with fresh fruit desserts.


2cps coarsely grated fresh coconut
2tbs light corn syrup
1/2cp sugar
pinch of salt
1 egg white
1/4tsp coconut or almond extract.


Mix the coconut, corn syrup, sugar, and salt together in a 3 quart heavy
pot. Stir over medium heat until the mixture thickens a little, about 5 to
6 minutes. Stir in the egg white and cook, stirring for another 5 to 6
minutes, until the mixture feels sticky. Cool a little and feel it with
your fingers. Stir in the coconut or almond extract. Remove from the heat.

Rinse a shallow pan with cold water. Shake out the excess and spread the
mixture over the bottom. Rinse paper towels in cold water, wring them out,
place them over the mixture. Refrigerate until chilled.

Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. Lightly grease a cookie sheet. Dip your
hands in cold water, then shape the coconut mixture into small balls. Heat
the cookie sheet slightly and place the balls on it. Bake for 20 minutes or
until golden on top.

Store in an airtight container at room temperature.

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