
Contributed By: Kay Davis


The history of yogurt goes back perhaps 8,000 years, to the dawn of civilization. It is believed to have been discovered by the bedouins of the ArabianPeninsula. The story goes that when a family of nomads had stored milk in bags made from goat stomachs in preparation for a long journey, the hot sun,the movements from the pack animal, and the bacteria from the goat's stomach combined to ferment the milk, producing yogurt.
Yogurt recipe

1 quart milk, preferably homogenized whole milk
2 tablespoons plain yogurt


Heat milk in a saucepan over medium heat until it begins to rise and bubbles form around the edges; then allow milk to cool to the point at which you caninsert your little finger and count to ten (110 degrees F.)

Pour into an earthenware jar/pyrex bowl with a tight-fitting lid. Stir in the yogurt until thoroughly mixed; then place in a warm spot away from drafts.
Cover with a wool blanket to keep warm or cover and set on a heating pad set on medium. Alternatively, place container in an oven heated to 150 degrees . After five minutes, turn the heat off, and letthe container sit for 6 hours undisturbed; then uncover and remove from oven, and refrigerate until the following day.
Remove about 2 tablespoons of yogurt and place in a small, covered glass jar; then store in refrigerator. This will be your starter (or raw ba) for the next yogurt preparation. Cover the remaining yogurt and keep in refrigerator.

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