Scams, Spam, Fraud Resources Links

AARP Phone Scam Information
Useful information from AARP on phone scams.

Background Checks.Org
This Website offers information about scams, especially phone scams and tips on how to avoid them.

Better Business Bureau Scam Tracker
Offers you the ability to locate information pertaining to scams in your local area.

Federal Trade Commission Scam Alerts
A good source for the most recent scam alerts.

Internet Safety Guide
Provides worthwhile information on how to browse the Internet safely.

Malware Bytes Guide To Tech Support Scams
Provides a list of steps to help you avoid a scam or correct one you became involved in.

Microsoft Guide To Tech Support Scams
A good source for information on dealing with Tech Support Scams.

Truth or Fiction (E-Mail Reality Check)
You can check to see if your e-mail message is afact or a hoax. The website allows you to search or look in categories.

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