Spyware, SPAM and Virus Resources Links

360 Total Security
We are Security Integrating award winning antivirus engines from 360 Cloud Scan Engine, 360 QVMII AI Engine and Avira to provide you with the ultimate in Virus detection and protection capabilities. Multiple antivirus engines Anti-Ransomware Arsenal Ultimate protection for your documents Realtime Detection Cloud technology detects latest Ransomware variants in realtime Intelligent Blocking Intelligent behavior monitoring to identify any document hijacking Document Protector Automatically backup your documents before they are tampered with

Combines computer backup with Anti Malware protection for your files.

AdaWare AntiVirus
Our best antivirus yet adaware antivirus safeguards your computer from online threats so you can focus on the things that matter to you — connecting with friends, checking email and watching videos. GET ADAWARE ANTIVIRUS FREE

Avast AntiVirus Program
This website offers a free antivirus program for home use. Reports from screen reader users indicate that it is screen reader friendly. Be sure to use your Applications key for best accessibility.

Avira AntiVirus
Total digital protection Whatever you use and whatever you do – keep it secure All your devices, your privacy and personal data, your searches, your software, your shopping and banking – even your home network. Avira safeguards them all. Antivirus Protects you in real time against malware and online threats Free or Paid

Cloudmark Inc.
Cloudmark automatically scans your incoming e-mail during the download. Messages identified as SPAM are placed in a SPAM folder installed during the installation. Since Cloudmark relies on an online data base, constantly updated by its users, the accuracy rate seems to be quite high. Because the folder is right there in your e-mail client you can quickly review and correct any mistakes. Simply highlight the message and either click on a choice in the Tool Bar or use the hot key provided. The program will remember your corrections. In the case of one it failed to identify as SPAM, when you mark it as SPAM the data base is automatically updated. Using Cloudmark with a screen reader does require some use of the mouse keys. Overall it's very easy to use. The software is free, but there is a $39.00 per Year subscription fee for the service. This allows you to use it on two computers. A 15 Day free trial is available.

Grisoft.com(Home Of AVG AntiVirus)
Home of the AVG Anti-virus products.

Virus and malware removal tool. Highly recommended.

Information Security
Obtain information on issues and terms related to computer security issues.

Last Pass
Simplify Your Life. LastPass remembers your passwords so that you can focus on the more important things in life.

Mail Washer
This free antispam program works quite well. It does however, require someone who is comfortable with their screen reader.

MalwareBytes is a free AntiSpyware program that is very effective. It is available in either a paid or free version. The free version is fully functional. The program is screen reader usable, but not really screen reader friendly. With either Jaws or Window Eyes you will need to use your mouse keys to activate some functions.

Microsoft Safety Scanner
Additional Malware removal tool from Microsoft. Must be downloaded frequently as it expires after several days.

Microsoft Security Essentials
This is a free program that protects your computer from most security threats. The program has been tested by a number of our members and has prooved to be quite accessible and they report it does a good job of protecting the computer. They also indicate it doesn't seem to require a lot of resources. It places an Icon in your System Tray that indicates the status of the computer. For example protected. The download link for the program is near the bottom of the page. The website appears to automatically determine which version your computer needs.

Nod 32 Anti-Virus
This Anti-Virus program is now being recommended by Dell, Gw Micro and others. Integrated, Real-Time Protection against Viruses, Spyware, Adware, and Identity Theft. Antivirus Software - Free 30-Day Demo Spyware - ThreatSense Technology Better. Faster. Smaller. NOD32 has the best detection in the industry, and protects against 95 percent more new and evolving threats than McAfee, Symantec and Trend Micro (AV-Comparatives.org). If you're renewing see the llink below.

Nod 32 Anti-Virus Renewal Page
This link will place you directly on the correct page for renewing your Nod 32 Anti-Virus subscription.

PC Pit Stop
This site offers a variety of programs.

SANS Internet Storm Center
Obtain information on current Internet threats and a wide variety of security concerns.

Sophos AntiVirus and AntiSpam Software
Providers of both AntiVirus and AntiSpam software.

Spy ware Warrior
Provides a wide variety of resources. This includes a list of anti-spy ware products that actually contain spy ware. They also offer ratings on products.

Spybot Search Destroy Home Page
Home of Spybot Search Destroy anti-spyware program. Screen reader usable with both Jaws and Window Eyes. Works best with scripts when using Jaws.

Stop Badware.org
The "Badware" problem. We've all seen it happen: you or someone you know has downloaded something from the internet that seemed harmless enough at the time. Next thing you know, the computer has slowed to a crawl. Pop-up advertising starts to appear out of nowhere. Private information gets sent to some company you've never heard of. And the worst part? Trying to uninstall the software might only make the problem worse. Welcome to the world of Badware. Viruses and worms are no longer the biggest threat to computer users ? now it's badware. Badware is a term we use to encompass the broad range of malicious software that is sneaking onto people's computers, including spyware and deceptive adware. It can subvert your computer for the benefit for a third party, frustrate you with unwanted advertising, and even steal your most personal information. This site will, in the future, be offering a list of software to avoid, as it contains spyware.

Sunbelt Software (I Hate Spam)
Home of both I Hate Spam and CounterSpy software programs. I Hate Spam is a very effective SPAM control program. However, at least with Window Eyes, the tool bar grew as the product was used and eventually stopped Window Eyes from working. When you visit the site it may be necessary to click on the Sunbelt link at the top if only a couple of links are appearing.

Super AntiSpyware
This program is available both for purchase and in a free edition. The interface is very screen reader friendly with both Jaws and Window Eyes. The free edition appears to be an excellent option for dealing with spy ware and malware.

Symantec Home Page
Home of Norton Anti-virus products as well as other useful anti-pest products. Also a good resource for information related to these issues.

Webroot AntiSpyware Software
Home of SpySweeper, currently the top rated, AntiSpyware program.

Zone Alarm Free AntiVirus
ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus Secure yourself with a robust antivirus solution and the world’s best firewall FREE DOWNLOAD Windows 10/8/7 Block viruses and malware Secure your identity and online privacy Shield hackers from accessing your PC

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