Health, Medical and Safety Links

A Healthy Me
This site can provide the answers to many of your health related questions.

America On The Move
Welcome to America On the Move... a national movement that encourages everyone to take steps towards a healthier way of life. Our message is "keep it simple." By making small, simple changes to your daily eating and activity choices, you can start building proven habits that will positively affect your weight and heath. America On the Move offers free, personalized online resources, interactive tools, community support, and fun events. Join us today and we'll help you, your friends, family, or group achieve positive, lasting results.

American Cancer Society
Complete information about ongoing research, cancer survivors, support and more.
Learn about asthma triggers, different treatment options, and more.

Provides resources and information about Autism.

Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
The Bascom Palmer Institute is located in Florida and is at the forefront of eye research.

Basic CPR and Choking Information
This website provides some very useful information about CPR and Choking.

Become An Ex
Offers a number of resources to help you stop smoking.

Benefits Of Aroma Therapy
This site will help to explain the health benefits of Aroma Therapy.

Benefits Of Black Cherry Juice (Article)
Details the benefits of Black Cherry juice for Gout and other inflamation problems.

Best Medical Alert Systems 2021
An article reviewing the medical alert systems available in 2021.

Better Sleep Council
Provides a variety of information and tips on getting a better night's sleep.

Excellent source for medical information about Cancer.

Center For Disease Control
Information about birth defects, disabilities, genetics, current health threats and much more.

health & safety information for children, families, patients, young adults, and seniors, as well as consumer-related news stories.

Corona Virus (Mayo Clinic)
Information about the Corona from the Mayo Clinic.

Corona Virus Symptoms, From The CDC
Symptoms of the Corona Virus provided by the CDC.

Corona Virus Updates
Corona Virus updates directly from our Government.

COVID 19 National Institute of Health
Information from the National Institute of Health on the COVID 19 or Corona Virus.

D E A Takeback Day
The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day addresses a crucial public safety and public health issue. According to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 9.9 million Americans misused controlled prescription drugs. The study shows that a majority of abused prescription drugs were obtained from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet. The DEA’s Take Back Day events provide an opportunity for Americans to prevent drug addiction and overdose deaths. You may locate takeback locations here.

Dental Health.Org
Provides a wide variety of Dental Health information.

Directions For Me
Directions provides the information that’s on consumer packages or labels in a simple online format for anyone who has trouble reading the small print including people who are blind or visually impaired. This site provides a consistent, quality source of complete packaging information for everything from preparation or cooking instructions to ingredient lists to Nutrition and Drug Facts labels for many common grocery, health and beauty and general merchandise products. In addition, it also provides, potentially life-saving, allergy and drug interaction warnings.

Find a licensed Physician in your area. Some information available about their medical background and whether or not they've had any action against them.

Drug Information By RX List
Locate information pertaining to commonly used Prescription drugs.

Durable Medical Equipment Lending Programs
This site allows you to locate services in your area where you can borrow necessary durable medical equipment.

E Medicine Health
offers a crash course in first aid treatment for the most common emergencies like choking or bee stings.

Eating Cherries May Reduce Gout Risk (Article)
Information on how consumption of cherries may reduce Gout risk.

En Vision America
Products such as the ID Mate Bar Code Reader and Script Talk talking prescription bottle reader.

Epsom Salt Industry Council (Health Benefits)
Site provides information on the health benefits of Epsom Salts.

Federal Trade Commission (Corona Virus Scams)
The Federal Trade Commission has put together some information to help avoid Corona Virus Scams.

First Aid Guide: Mayo Clinic
Look up various types of injuries and conditions and their treatments.

Food Safety
- Gateway to government food safety information Topics Include People At Risk Anyone can get food poisoning (foodborne illness), but certain groups of people are more likely to get seriously ill. Are you or your loved ones in one of those groups? Read More about food poisoning risks Food Safety by Type of Food Bacteria and Viruses Severe Weather Food Safety

For The People(Stress Management)
This site offers information about and suggestions for managing stress.

Frontline Mds
Up to the minute news from Doctors on the frontline of the Covid battle.

Gluten Free Girl
Provides facts and recipes for living Gluten free.

Good RX
Save up to 80%* Show the coupon to your pharmacist for massive savings on your meds Start saving now for free — no sign-up or credit card required! Low Prices from GoodRx Coupon prices for 90 capsules of 300mg gabapentin (generic Neurontin) as of 11/08/16 Drug prices vary wildly between pharmacies. GoodRx finds the lowest prices and discounts. How? 1. Collect and compare prices for every FDA-approved prescription drug at more than 70,000 US pharmacies 2. Find free coupons to use at the pharmacy 3. Show the lowest price at each pharmacy near you

Google Covid 19 Information And Resources
Information and resources from Google on the Covid 19 virus.

Gout Diet (Mayo Clinic)
This page provides general diet information as well as an example of a typical diet.

Health Benefits of Blueberries
A very informative article about the benefits and possible side effects of Blueberries.

Health Benefits Of Eating Bananas
This article reveals the many health benefits of eating bananas.

Health Grades
Now you can choose a doctor based on knowledge. Not chance. To get the right care, you need the right doctor and the right hospital. Now there’s a way to find them. Right Doctor Healthgrades lets you search by health condition or medical procedure to find a doctor or hospital experienced in your treatment.

HeartFelt Yoga
Information on Yoga for people of all sizes. All the benefits of yoga can become yours with regular yoga practice — no matter your current size or condition. HeavyWeight Yoga is a unique way to open yourself to the inner wisdom of your body TODAY.

How To Safely Bring Groceries Into The House
A 15 minute or so video demonstrating how to make bringing groceries into the house as safe as possible.

I Can Connect
iCanConnect provides free equipment and training for people with both significant hearing and vision loss who meet the program’s disability and income eligibility guidelines. iCanConnect is a national program with local contacts that helps people stay connected to friends, family and the world.

Kids and Cars
Provides information related to dangers faced by young children around cars.

Kinderboard Keyboard
The KinderBoard is a large-key computer keyboard that can assist children with vision or motor-skill impairment, and is an excellent first keyboard for any child. The KinderBoard has 1-in/2.5-cm oversized keys and large, bold, easy-to-read numbers and letters. It may be very useful for individuals with a variety of disabilities involving fine motor control issues.

Local Eye
About Our Eye Care Directory Eye care is a general term that can involve a number of different specialties related to eye and vision health. Typical eye care specialists include optometrists, ophthalmologists and opticians. Optometrists are medical practitioners that specialize in the field of optometry, a branch of eye care that deals with the eyes and overall vision health. Ophthalmologists are medical doctors who also specialize in eye care but with a further emphasis on surgeries, treatment and other procedures to correct eye disorders and treat eye diseases. Opticians are considered eye care technicians and work from the prescriptions provided by ophthalmologists and optometrists to design and fit vision correcting eye glasses. Of the three, opthalmologists require the longest amount of schooling and training and will usually have the moste extensive knowledge about eye care. Generally, eye care is covered by vision plans as part of a person's general health insurance plan.

Mayo Clinic
You'll find information about any disease, health condition or medical problem. Books are also available for purchase.

Medical Alert Devices
(No Monthly Fee) This company offers a device which, when attached to your landline, will call a list of preprogrammed numbers if you need assistance, and play a pre recorded message.

Medical News Today
Medical News Today brings you hourly health news from well-regarded sources such as JAMA, BMJ, Lancet, BMA, plus articles written by our own team. Our archive contains over 100,000 news articles.

Medication Management For People Who Are Visually Impaired
This site offers Tips for low vision medication organization and storage, Medication safety tips and dosage information, Reminder and scheduling advice, Strategies to discuss with your physician and pharmacist to make medication management easier And much more

Medication Management For People With Vision Impairments
A guide to managing medication when you have a disability.

National Eating Disorders Association
We're glad you found us. NEDA supports individuals and families affected by eating disorders, and serves as a catalyst for prevention, cures and access to quality care.

National Institute Of Health
An excellent source for a wide variety of health information.

National Library of Medicine
The National Library of Medicine located at Bethesda Maryland is a reliable source for medical information.

Nationwide Childrens Hospital
Focuses on children's health issues.

Non-24 (Sleep Disorder)
Non-24 is a sleep disorder caused by the Eyes inability to perceive light. Often experienced by the Visually Impaired.

Raynauds Association
A website offering support for Raynauds sufferers. A disease in which the extremities suffer from sensitivity to the cold.

Raynauds Disease Symptoms And Information (Mayo Clinic)
Information provided by the Mayo Clinic about Raynauds Disease and its symptoms.

RX Outreach
At Rx Outreach, we envision a world where everyone has access to the medications they need – because no one should have to choose between paying rent, buying groceries or getting their medication. Our goal is to save lives. We are a nonprofit charity that provides critical medicine for people who can’t afford it. We offer more than 500 medications through our mail order pharmacy delivered to all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. With support of generous donors, we help more than 85,000 people each year get the medications they need to stay healthy.

Safe Kids.Org
Information and tips for keeping kids safe.

Spine Health
Provides information on Spine and back related problems.

Stevia Benefits and Side Effects
Information on the benefits and side effects of the food sweetener Stevia.

The Medicine Program
THE MEDICINE PROGRAM!!! This organization was established by volunteers dedicated to helping patients who cannot afford their prescription medication. These programs are available nationwide and are designed to help people of all ages. Since our inception in 1996, we've helped thousands of families who could not afford the cost of their prescription drugs.

The National Center For Cold Water Safety
Cold water is a predator - fast, powerful and deadly, with unlimited energy and no need for sleep. A predator so perfectly camouflaged that you can stand right next to it and see absolutely nothing

Top 15 Foods For Kidney Health
Lists the top foods to eat for Kidney Health.

Trust For America's Health
General information including articles and facts and figures about the state of America's health.

University of Iowa Department of Ophthalmology
Information on Eye care and Eye diseases.

University of Iowa Health Care
Find answers to questions about hundreds of diseases, health care tips eye questions and more.

University of Iowa Stead Family Childrens Hospital
Nationally ranked children's hospital. Affiliated with the University of Iowa.

Virtual Pediatric Hospital
Look up information pertaining to children.

Vision Aware (Getting Started)
This site offers a number of resources intended to assist those who are in the early stages of sight loss.

Web MD
contains thousands of articles on diseases and how to stay healthy. You can go through a mini-test to check out if that sore throat is really just a sore throat, or if it could be something worse. The test is divided for men and women, to give a more accurate diagnosis.

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