Problems are shown as headings and the solution directly below.
Solution: Press F4 to open Preferences. Shift Tab once to the General heading and right arrow to the Text to Speech heading. Tab to the first box and down arrow to the User logs in box and uncheck it with the shift key. Down arrow to the User Logs out and uncheck it. Now tab to the Ok and press enter.
Note: you move from box to box with the arrow keys.
Solution: Immediately on entering the room press Control plus L, this will remove you from the room, but leave you on the server. Next press F4, this will place you in the nickname box. Your nickname must match one of the two you have in the data base. If you visit other sites using the Team Talk client, it will simplify things if you use the same one for all. Enter your nickname in the box and press enter. Now press Alt plus F4 and you should be able to reenter the room.
Note: The Control plus L described above can be useful for setting all the preferences.
When you enter a room do you encounteronly silence and can't get the key? If so your key is probably activating the moment you enter the room so be careful what You say. You may correct this by following the steps below.
1. Choose an unoccupied room and enter it.
2. In order for this to work Voice Activation must be on. Before attempting to turn it on Tab approximately 3 times and see if a Voice Activation Combo box appears, if not. Use your already chosen lock key or Control Shift A to turn it on.
Next Tab down until you find Voice Activation Level. This needs to be set to 0. Once you've done this you may turn off voice activation and close out of the window. Now Voice Activation will work only if you turn it on with your preset key or Control Shift A.
Updated on ... March 12, 2018