Updating Information In Your Account

Use your P key to read item by item.

A couple of Tabs below the Locator Frame will bring you to the, Your Account link. In there you will be able to accomplish the following tasks.

Note: Any information you provide here may be viewed only by you and a few management members. VIP will not provide this information to anybody outside that small circle.

We encourage you, to provide phone numbers. These can be very useful when you request help.

Switch Nicknames

Switch nick names i.e. change from the first nick name you chose when you applied for membership to the second or from the second to the first.

Update your Email address

It's important that you keep this current. Should we need to contact you, for any reason, this is the address we will use. It also allows you to retrieve your login information any time you need it. (By using the Retrieve your Login Information link immediately below the login button.)

Update your phone numbers.

Access the services/social networks directory

Here you can record your user ID's for MSN, Skype and twitter. You can decide whether or not your MSN and/or Skype ID's appear in the directory which can be viewed by other members.

Guest members, who have never been a supporting member, may find a link that allows them to activate a 30 day free trial membership. This will be true in cases where you have chosen not to activate it when given the opportunity previously. If you decide not to purchase a supporting membership you will revert to normal guest status at the end of the 30 days.

Purchase or renew a Supporting membership

Directly above this link you will find the date your current membership expires. Note: Renewing a membership before the expiration date will not cause you to lose any time. the expiration date is simply extended by the length of the time purchased.

We encourage you to keep all the above information current. Your VIP Management Team

Created on ... August 09, 2016